Posts tagged 2021
A guide to the TCFD

The casualties of the climate crisis could include financial stability, the global economy, and the value of investments. As governments catch up to the realities of climate change and the policy response continues to gather pace, global markets need transparency into the financial impacts of climate change on companies.

‌The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) released their recommendations in 2017 to improve and increase reporting of climate-related financial information. Today, 2,000+ organizations support TCFD, including 110+ regulators and government entities across 78 countries.

Why read this guide?

It outlines the benefits of climate reporting to firms such as yours, and explains how companies and regulators are implementing the TCFD recommendations.

Firms implementing the recommendations are able to:‌

  • Efficiently identify climate-related opportunities and risks

  • Proactively address investors' demands for climate-related information in a framework that investors are increasingly asking for

  • More effectively meet current requirements to report material information in financial filings

  • Enhance risk management and strategic planning, through better understanding of climate risk

‌Bloomberg has created this guide to help you better understand the benefits of implementing the TCFD recommendations.

Texas Cold Crisis: Insurance Options for Severe Weather Disruption | Risk Management Monitor

On February 15, a massive and unseasonal storm with frigid temperatures spiked the demand for power and outpaced the supply, severing power to 26 million Texans. Unpredictable weather patterns present risks for business owners, but also create an opportunity to improve their risk mitigation strategies to address future uncertainties.

Power outages are not caused by storms alone. Heat waves, hurricanes and wildfires can also create power outages—and outages are more common than business leaders may think. S&C’s 2018 Commercial and Industrial Power Reliability Report found that one in four businesses experience at least one power outage per month.

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Newsletter February 2021

Re-assess your risks in 2021

The Trump presidency and more recently the COVID-19 pandemic has intensified competition between the US and China. It is likely that both countries will seek superiority in the digital realm and restructure their supply chains.

According to the Global Risks Report 2021, Middle powers like Australia are likely to be squeezed. We are already suffering from China’s decisions to limit imports of a number of important commodities. Hopefully, we will not be put in a position where we have to pick a side.


 We all hope that the Biden presidency can quickly repair the damage caused by the impact of the pandemic on the US. One of the salient lessons from the pandemic is the fragility of our supply chains and the prevalence of critical products being supplied from countries far from Australia – often a single source.

Use your 2020 experience to re-asses the resilience of your supply chains. If you have staff monitoring your modern slavery obligations, they may be able to assist.

The WEF Global Risks Report 2021 also identifies the ever increasing threat posed by hackers. The sophistication, number and funding of hackers (both criminals and nation states) continues unabated.

It is difficult for organisations to decide the extent of resources they should devote to this risk. The good news is that (like washing hands and wearing a mask) basic hygiene greatly reduces the risk from being the victim of a successful attack. The Australian Cyber Security Centre has an excellent guide to assist you implement these basic hygiene actions.

Is it time to review your cyber security approach in light of the ACSC guide?

The third and most prevalent risk identified was climate change. In the top seven global risks – climate change risks occupy four positions for impact and four for likelihood.

The seven hottest years on record globally all occurred in the past seven years.


Although most of us will remember 2020 as the year of COVID, the impact of climate change on Australia was exceptional – starting with the bushfires that engulfed SE Australia.

Australia is particularly exposed to climate change. On January 4th 2020, Penrith was the hottest place on Earth at 48.9˚C!

These physical risks, caused by extreme heat, storms and floods will increasingly impact the operations of Australian business.

If your organisation has widely distributed operations, has large critical assets, is heavily dependent on a reliable power supply or has long supply chains, we strongly advise that you re-visit your Risk Register in light of the warnings from the Global Risks Report and locally from the Climate Council 

The Biden presidency has wasted no time in aggressively re-setting the strategy the US intends to employ to tackle climate change. In addition, the UK and the EU have already warned trading partners that they will use carbon tariffs to punish countries that they deem are not acting on climate change. This is a large risk for any Australian company that exports to the UK, EU or the US.

As a result, the Australian Government may need to implement policies that impact the operations of Australian companies.

Please consider these transition risks in light of your business operations. The Australian Government may move quickly in light of pressure from its trading partners. Policy action by the government may have a substantial impact on some of these risks.

Please also remember that throughout the pandemic, critical decisions were made by Governments. The primary obligation of your Crisis Management Teams was to comply with the instructions issued by the various Health Department and Chief Medical Officers.

If your business suffers a major hack, a fire to the building or sells a product that makes your customer sick, there will be no Government to give instructions on how you should manage the crisis. Furthermore, your competitors and customers may actively seek to profit from your misfortune.

Please contact Continuity Matters if we can help you re-assess your resilience, develop a business resilience program or validate your plans by conducting an exercise.