Posts tagged July
Sustainable Finance: Risks & Policy | London Bullion Market Association

London Bullion Market Association Webinar Sustainable Finance: Risks & Policy Dr Paul Fisher (Fellow, Cambridge University Institute for Sustainability Leadership) and Terry Heymann (CFO, World Gold Council) discussed what sustainability means and the importance of ESG.

Paul considered how we should think about the risks and opportunities sustainability presents to the financial sector, before looking at how regulators globally are responding to those risks.

Terry presented WGC’s findings on climate change, tracking gold’s carbon footprint through the supply chain, and considered how reducing this footprint can benefit the mining and investment industries.


Why are investors not pricing in climate-change risk? | The Economist
Companies are often quick to tout their green credentials. So are many of the sophisticated institutional investors who buy and sell their shares. Yet when it comes to pricing the risk of climate change, those investors may be falling short. New research suggests that the risk of climatic disasters such as floods, storms and wildfires are not reflected in the price of equities around the world. What is more, when disasters do occur, the fall in share prices is modest.
Climate Change - Awareness to Action | APRA
The survey found that a majority of regulated entities were taking steps to increase their understanding of the risk, including all authorised deposit-taking institutions (ADIs), general insurers and RSE licensees surveyed. One third of regulated entities viewed climate risks as material. A wide range of strategic opportunities has been identified. Climate risks are being integrated into risk management frameworks, and more sophisticated financial analysis of scenarios is gaining traction across a range of entities.
Information Security News | Trusted Impact

Trusted Impact is a leading security consultancy focused entirely on helping clients achieve their business objectives in the field of information security.

Their latest newsletter covers topics such as GDPR, City of Atlanta's ransomeware attack, Yahoo's million dollar fine and the Pageup data breach. Click here to download the newsletter, or here to view past newsletters and to subscribe.  

Organizational risks that you should definitely be acting on | Continuity Central

It is easy for organizations to feel overwhelmed by the number and scale of the risks that are faced; but often the perception of the potential harm engendered by various risks is exaggerated. In this article Chris Butler lists the real risks that every organization needs to consider.

Did you know the world’s most dangerous animal is not a shark, or a bear, but is in fact a mosquito? What’s certain is that human perception of risk is notoriously flawed; often, the events that concern and outrage us the most are the least likely to happen. 

From political and economic tremors to cyber threats, 2017 represents another minefield of risks for businesses. For organizations, forging a deepened understanding of both threats and risk factors is crucial for remaining robust, resilient, and most of all, ahead of the competition. Part of this involves separating the myths from reality. So, what then are the real risks to business today?


2017 Cost of Data Breach Study | Ponemon Institute

Ponemon Institute has just released its 12th annual Cost of Data Breach Study. The report is sponsored by IBM and represents the industry’s gold-standard benchmark research.

Ponemon Institute researchers interviewed IT, compliance and information security practitioners representing 419 organizations across 12 countries: United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, France, Brazil, Japan, Italy, India, the Middle East (including United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia), Canada and the ASEAN region (including Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaysia).