Given its non-essential nature, the fashion industry faces significant risks. Indeed, in times of COVID-19, as consumers around the world remain in lockdown, they no longer need new products. This industry is characterised by a highly integrated global supply chain.
In it, many developing countries play the role of the supplier of low-cost inputs. This article highlights some of challenges and concerns that some of these countries face, many of which are dependent on textile and garment exports.
"Organisations are increasingly looking towards the sustainability of their plans: 60.7% have now reviewed their BIAs to reflect changing priorities given the sustained impact of the pandemic, a substantial rise on the 53.5% reported only two weeks ago."
Download the report here
Experiencing an exponential rise of COVID-19 related security cases during the pandemic, International SOS sheds light on three emerging security challenges. These are alongside underlying security issues that the pandemic environment has and will continue to exacerbate.
The latest EY attractiveness survey - which examines the performance and perceptions of European countries as a destination for foreign direct investment (FDI), revealed that post-COVID-19 there will be an additional lens front and centre: the need to juggle cost and resiliency.
"The COVID virus has been a case of biology confronting and really shaking the complacency of day-to-day politics with a physical reality of sickness and death on a scale we haven't seen for a very long time," Turnbull told the Policy Exchange audience. "And so the question really is: why do so many people in government and so many people in politics - particularly in the Anglo sphere - not take the scientific evidence on climate change just as seriously?
And below a link to The Age article covering the interview.